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CHU Nice - Hôpital Pasteur
Moyens de transport
Tramway - Hôpital Pasteur (ligne T1)Bus - Hôpital Pasteur / Clinique Saint-François (ligne 04)
Bus - Joseph Raybaud (ligne 16)
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Le néphrologue prend en charge le diagnostic et le traitement de l'ensemble des maladies rénales qui perturbent la filtration du sang, fonction première des reins. Cette prise en charge commence dès les premiers symptômes (comme la présence de sang ou de protéines dans les urines) et va jusqu'à la complication la plus avancée qui est l'insuffisance rénale chronique.
Langues parlées
AnglaisDiplômes nationaux et universitaires
Doctorat en sciences de la vie et de la santé - Université de Nantes
C.E.S. Néphrologie - Faculté de médecine de Nantes
C.E.S. Cardiologie - Faculté de médecine de Nantes
Professeur des universités-praticien hospitalier - Université Nice Sophia Antipolis - Nice - Néphrologie-Dialyse-Transplantation
Professeur des universités-praticien hospitalier - Université de Nantes - Nantes - Néphrologie-Immunologie Clinique
Travaux et publications
Visceral fat is associated to the severity of COVID-19. G. Favre, K. Legueult, C. Pradier, MD, C. Raffaelli, C. Ichai, A. Iannelli, A. Redheuil, O. Lucidarme, V.L.M. Esnault. Metabolism 2021, 115: 154440. - Article
Cardiovascular and Renal Outcomes with Empagliflozin in Heart Failure. A.O. Gérard, G. Favre, V.L.M. Esnault. N Eng J Med. 2021, 384: 386-7. - Article
Rituximab bioavailability in primary membranous nephropathy. S. Boyer-Suavet, M. Andreani, M. Cremoni, V. Brglez, S. Benzaken, G. Bernard, P. Nachman, V.L.M. Esnault*, Barbara Seitz-Polski* (* co-last author). Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. 2019, 34: 1423-5 - Article
High dose Rituximab and early remission in PLA2R1-related membranous nephropathy. B. Seitz-Polski, …, V.L.M. Esnault. Clin. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 2019, 14: 1173-82. - Article
Perirenal fat thickness measured with computed tomography is a reliable estimate of perirenal fat mass. G. Favre, C. Grangeon-Chapon, C. Raffaelli, F. François-Chalmin, A. Iannelli, V.L.M. Esnault. PLoS One. 2017, 12: e0175561. - Article
Determinants associated with the correction of glomerular hyper-filtration one year after bariatric surgery. G.A. Favre, …, V.L.M. Esnault. Surg. Obes. Relat. Dis. 2017, 13: 1760-6. - Article
Vitamin E-coated and heparin-coated dialyzer membranes for heparin-free hemodialysis: a multi-center, randomized, cross-over trial. M. Shariful Islam, …, V.L.M. Esnault. Am. J. Kidney Dis. 2016, 68: 752-62 - Article
Epitope spreading of autoantibody response to PLA2R1 associates with poor prognosis in membranous nephropathy. B. Seitz-Polski, …, V.L.M. Esnault*, G. Lambeau* (* co-last author). J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 2016, 27: 1517-33 - Article
Cross-reactivity of anti-PLA2R1 antibodies to rabbit and mouse PLA2R1 antigens and development of two novel ELISAs. B. Seitz-Polski, …, V.L.M. Esnault*, G. Lambeau* (* co-last author). Biochimie 2015, 118: 104-15 - Article
Prediction of membranous nephropathy recurrence after transplantation by monitoring of anti-PLA2R1 (M-type phospholipase A2 receptor) autoantibodies: a case series of 15 patients. B. Seitz-Polski, …, V.L.M. Esnault. Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. 2014, 29: 23 - Article
Determinants and changes associated with aldosterone breakthrough after angiotensin II receptor blockade in type 2 diabetics with overt nephropathy. O. Moranne, …, V.L.M. Esnault. Clin. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 2013, 8: 1694-701 - Article
Diuretic up-titration with half-dose combined ACEI+ARB better decrease proteinuria than combined ACEI+ARB up-titration. V.L.M. Esnault, A. Ekhlas, J-M. Nguyen, O. Moranne. Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. 2010, 25: 2218-24 - Article
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 3-year study comparing the effect of amolodipine and enalapril on renal function in adults with non-diabetic nephropathies. V.L.M. Esnault, et al. Clin. Ther. 2008, 30: 482-98 - Article
Diuretic and enhanced sodium restriction results in improved antiproteinuric response to RAS blocking agents. V.L.M. Esnault, A. Ekhlas, C. Delcroix, M-G. Moutel, J-M. Nguyen. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 2005, 16: 474-481 - Article
High dose furosemide for established ARF: a prospective randomized, double-blind; placebo-controlled multicenter trail. F. Cantarovich, B. Rangoonwala, H. Lorenz, M. Verho, V.L.M. Esnault. Am. J. Kidney Dis. 2004, 44: 402-409 - Article
Difference in antigenic determinant profiles between human and rat myeloperoxidase. Y.C. Patry, P.H. Nachman, M.A.P. Audrain, R.J. Falk, K. Meflah, V.L.M. Esnault. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 2003, 132: 505-508 - Article
Angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors and diuretics for hypertension. V.L.M. Esnault. N. Engl. J. Med. 2003, 349:91 - Article
Association of IgM with IgG ANCA in patients presenting with pulmonary haemorrhage. V.L.M. Esnault, B. Soleimani, M.T. Keogan, A.A. Brownlee, D.R.W. Jayne, C.M. Lockwood. Kidney Int. 1992, 41: 1304-1310 - Article
Anti-myeloperoxidase antibodies and necrotizing vasculitis in Brown Norway rats treated with mercuric chloride. V.L.M. Esnault, P.W. Mathieson, S. Thiru, D.B.G. Oliveira, C.M. Lockwood. Lab. Invest. 1992, 67: 114-120 - Article
Captopril but not Acebutolol, Prazosin or Indomethacin decreases post-exercise proteinuria. V.L.M. Esnault, M. Potiron/Josse, A. Testa, J. Ginet, D. Le Carrer, J. Guenel. Nephron 1991, 58: 437-442 - Article
Effect of protein A immunoadsorption on panel lymphocyte reactivity in hyperimmunizated patients awaiting kidney graft. V.L.M. Esnault, J.D. Bignon, A. Testa, J.L. Preud'homme, A. Vergracht, J.P. Soulillou. Transplantation 1990, 50: 449-453 - Article
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