Tarifs et remboursement
Conventionné secteur 1
Carte Vitale acceptée
Tiers payant : Sécurité sociale
Moyens de paiement
Expertises et actes
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Moyens de transport
Tramway - Observatoire (ligne 3)Tramway - Saint-Guilhem - Courreau (ligne 4)
Bus - Observatoire (lignes 6 et 7)
Parking public
Gambetta4 Avenue Georges Clemenceau, Montpellier
Informations pratiques
Rez-de-chausséeEntrée accessible
L'ophtalmologue, ou ophtalmologiste, traite l'ensemble des maladies de l’œil. Il prend notamment en charge les troubles de la réfraction (presbytie, myopie, hypermétropie astigmatisme), le strabisme, les troubles de la vision des couleurs, les glaucomes ou encore les pathologies de la rétine ou de la paupière.
Langues parlées
Anglais, Français et GrecSite web
Voir le siteFormations
Ecole de Medecine - Hull Royal Infirmary
Ecole de Medecine - Hopital General Militaire d'Athenes
Ecole de Medecine - Universite de Patras, Grece
Cabinet - Montpellier
Cabinet - Soyaux
Cabinet - Rennes
Cabinet - Athènes, Grèce
Praticienne - Université de Californie à San Diego (UCSD) - San Diego - Ophtalmologie
Praticienne - Hôpital Général d'Athènes Panagiotis et Aglaia Kyriakou - Athènes - Ophtalmologie
Membre - American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)
Membre - Association for Research In Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
Travaux et publications
Torriani FJ, Freeman WR, Macdonald JC, Karavellas MP, Durand D, Jeffrey D, Meylan P, Schrier R: CMV Retinitis Recurs After Stopping CMV Treatment in Virologic and Immunologic Failures of Potent Antiretroviral Therapy. AIDS. 2000; 14:173-180. - Article
Song MK, Karavellas MP, Macdonald JC, Plummer DJ, Freeman WR: Characterization of Reactivation of CMV Retinitis in Patients Healed With Highly ActiveAntiretroviral Therapy. Retina. 2000; 20:151-155. - Article
R. D. Schrier, M. K. Song, I. L. Smith, Karavellas MP et al., "Intraocular viral and immune pathogenesis of immune recovery uveitis in patients with healed cytomegalovirus retinitis,,, Retina, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 165-169,2006 - Article
Macdonald, J.C., Karavellas, M.P., Torriani, F.J. et al, Highly active antiretroviral therapy-related immune recovery in AIDS patients with cytomegalovirus retinitis. Ophthalmology. 2000;107:877-883 - Article
Macdonald JC, Karavellas MP, Torriani FJ, Morse LS, Smith IL, Reed JB, Freeman WR: Highly active Antiretroviral Therapy-Related Immune Recovery in AIDS Patients with Cytomegalovirus Retinitis. Ophthalmology. 2000; 107:877-883. - Article
M. P. Karavellas, M. Song, J.C . MacDonald, and W.R. Freeman, "Long-term posterior and anterior segment complications of immune recovery uveitis associated with cytomegalovirus retinitis,,, The Atnerican Journal of Ophthalmology, vol. 130, no. 1, pp. 57-o - Article
Karavellas MP, Lowder CY, Macdonald JC, Torriani FJ, Freeman WR: Immune recovery vitritis in AIDS: Natural history, long-term treatment results, and associated factors of a new syndrome. Ophthalmology. (Suppl). Paper pg. 138, November 11, 1998 - Article
Karavellas MP, Lowder CY, Macdonald JC, Glascow CP, Avila CP, Freeman WR: Immune recovery vitritis associated with inative CMV retinitis. Investigative Ophthalmology. (Suppl). Program #1064. 1998; 39 (4) 1064 - Article
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